Social and Cultural Wellness Consultations

Social and Cultural Wellness means developing and maintaining healthy relationships with those around you, and supporting the diversity of our communities through knowledge, acceptance and understanding.

Some Examples of Social and Cultural Wellness:

  • Developing healthy relationships with family & friends
  • Respecting & understanding other individuals
  • Respecting the cultural identities of others
  • Effectively managing unhealthy relationships
  • Spending time with loved ones
  • Feeling self-confident alone or with others


Strategies to Enhance Your Social and Cultural Wellness


(i) Be willing to meet new people and make new friends:

  • Be assertive but friendly by smiling, introducing yourself and being open to meeting others
  • Sign up for courses or activities on campus which genuinely interest you
  • Take up offers that come your way and look for new experiences. Unfamiliar situations can be opportunities for personal growth and meeting new people


(ii) Manage challenging relationships with friends, colleagues, romantic partners or family members:

  • Try to resolve conflicts through compromise. Consider the other person’s perspective and respect their point of view
  • Be yourself and respect your own thoughts and feelings
  • Focus on your feelings and share your perspective instead of blaming others. Use “I” statements when communicating and be clear about your needs (‘I feel hurt’)


(iii) Develop your intercultural skills:

  • Be open-minded and appreciative of diversity
  • Challenge your assumptions and discomfort around the unknown
  • Be aware of how your individual culture influences how you perceive others
  • Be curious and look for opportunities to learn new things

Contact us now to get quote for all your needs.